始終尋找 JPMA 認證的產品,讓您的選擇更有信心。 JPMA 目前對 29 個產品類別的 2,000 多種產品進行了認證,其中包括嬰兒車和嬰兒車。每個經過認證的產品每年以及在任何材料更改後都會在獨立實驗室進行樣品測試,以確保其滿足最高的安全要求。若要確認產品認證狀態,請在產品包裝上尋找 JPMA 認證印章,或在 JPMA 認證目錄中按產品類別搜尋。
JPMA Cares is a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization that supports the broader baby and children’s products industry. JPMA Cares is the philanthropic arm of the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) and aims to create better outcomes for infants and toddlers by reducing preventable injuries and deaths and providing families in need with donations of time, talent, and product.
JPMA Cares is a 501 (C)(3) | EIN: 87-0858073
JPMA is professionally managed by Association Headquarters Inc., a charter accredited association management company.
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