4 Organizations Partner to Champion Safe Sleep for Babies

May 20, 2024

MT. LAUREL, N.J., MAY 20, 2024 — JPMA Cares, the nonprofit foundation of the juvenile products industry, announced it’s launching a Safe Sleep Campaign in partnership with Cribs for Kids, First Candle, and Safe Kids Worldwide. The campaign aims to deliver easy-to-understand, consistent advice about safe sleep to parents and caregivers across geographies, ethnicities, religions, and cultures.

“Each day, new babies are born, and we are on a mission to ensure their parents and caregivers have the knowledge and resources they need to make safe sleep decisions for these young children,” said JPMA Cares Board of Directors Chair Rick Schaub.

Tragically, each year in the United States, about 3,400 babies die from sleep-related deaths, and underserved communities are impacted disproportionately.

“In many cases, these deaths are preventable,” said Lisa Trofe, who serves as the executive director of JPMA and JPMA Cares. “Our pilot program will educate parents and caregivers on safe sleep practices and distribute safe sleep products like play yards to those who need them.”

JPMA Cares’ focus on safe sleep falls squarely within the organization’s mission: Creating better outcomes for infants and toddlers by reducing preventable injuries and deaths and providing families in need with donations of time, talent, and product.

JPMA Cares selected partners for this Safe Sleep Campaign based on their areas of expertise. For example, Cribs for Kids is an organization that educates parents at the hospital on the importance of safe sleep for their babies and provides portable cribs to families in need.

“Our shared mission, centered around reducing infant mortality related to preventable sleep-related deaths, concentrates on providing safe sleep spaces and free programming through our network of more than 2,000 partners nationwide,” said Cribs for Kids Founder & CEO Judy Bannon. “We believe these are key elements that root families in their safe sleep commitment.”

Another partner is First Candle, an organization that reaches the underserved through its free Let’s Talk Community Chats where families can share their challenges and concerns about safe sleep and breastfeeding.

“We are thrilled to join this collaboration to help inform and support all families in their efforts to provide a safe sleep space for their babies and understand the proper use of infant products,” said First Candle Executive Director & CEO Alison Jacobson. “Through our community-led initiative, Let’s Talk Community Chats, we know families are eager to receive this information from trusted sources, and we’re excited to be able to deliver it.”

Additionally, Safe Kids Worldwide will join the collaboration. Safe Kids is an organization working to reduce unintentional injuries and deaths of babies and children through an extensive network of more than 400 coalitions in the U.S.

“We know a safe sleep environment every night and every nap can save lives. However, the field faces challenges in supporting parents to ensure that happens,” said Torine Creppy, president of Safe Kids. “We have a tremendous opportunity to join with like-minded partners to find new and innovative ways to reach all communities, to discuss inequities impacting sleep safety, and to make a meaningful difference for the families who need us most.”

Anyone can learn more and get involved in the Safe Sleep Campaign by visiting JPMA Cares’ website at jpmacares.org. There are opportunities to volunteer, donate, and advocate to keep babies and toddlers safe.

“The more people who contribute time and money to this Safe Sleep Campaign, the more markets we’ll be able to reach,” said Schaub. “Together, we can impact more families and more communities, thereby saving more lives.”

About JPMA Cares

JPMA Cares is the philanthropic arm of the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) and the broader baby and children’s products industry. As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, JPMA Cares aims to create better outcomes for infants and toddlers by reducing preventable injuries and deaths and providing families in need with donations of time, talent, and product.

Media Contact:

Kali Peterson

JPMA Cares


05 Sep, 2024
MT. LAUREL, N.J., Sept. 3, 2024 -- September is JPMA Baby Safety Month™ , an annual time to focus on keeping infants and children safe. Baby Safety Month was established by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) more than four decades ago to help parents safely navigate early childhood. "At JPMA, we're passionate about keeping babies and young children safe," said Lisa Trofe, executive director of JPMA. "Many times, that means reaching out to parents and caregivers to ensure they have the information they need to make safe choices for their children. As part of Baby Safety Month this year, we're promoting five things every parent should do before bringing baby home. Throughout September, we'll highlight expert-approved, easy-to-follow guidance to keep babies safe. The more people we have who champion baby safety, the more childhood injuries and deaths we can prevent." The five things JPMA recommends doing before bringing a baby home—and the reasons why—are: Create a safe sleep environment. Tragically, nearly 3,500 infants die each year in the U.S. from sleep-related deaths according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Click here for expert-approved safe sleep tips. Create a safe play environment. In the U.S., nearly 5.6 million children are treated for injuries in emergency departments every year according to Safe Kids Worldwide. These are often serious injuries that can affect them for a lifetime. For tips on general baby safety and babyproofing, click here . Practice car seat safety during each and every ride. Each day in the U.S., 429 children are injured and three are killed in car crashes according to NHTSA. Car seats can reduce the risk of crash injuries overall and can reduce the risk of fatalities by as much as 71 percent. However, mistakes in using car seats according to the manufacturer instructions can compromise the protection they offer. Click here for car seat resources or view car seat videos here . Register each and every new baby product. Registering your baby products ensures you receive important safety alerts directly from the manufacturer. The information provided on product registration cards will not be used by the manufacturer for any reason other than a safety alert regarding the product. More information on registering your baby products can be found here. Check for product recalls prior to buying or using any secondhand baby or children's products. An April 2024 survey by What to Expect showed that 65 percent of Gen Z parents and 59 percent of Millennial parents are buying more secondhand products due to inflation. Recalled or otherwise compromised products can pose serious risks, so always check the appropriate Federal regulator website to ensure safety — nhtsa.gov/recalls for car seats and cpsc.gov/recalls for other baby and children's products. The recommendation to check for recalls also applies to products that were used for a previous baby. JPMA would like to thank our Baby Safety Month Ambassadors and partners for supporting this important initiative. For more information about Baby Safety Month and more baby safety tips, visit BabySafetyMonth.org or follow JPMA Cares Parents on social media. About JPMA Baby Safety Month™ JPMA Baby Safety Month started in 1983 when JPMA initiated "Expectant Mother's Day." In 1986, it was extended to a week-long celebration until 1991, when JPMA sponsored the first "Baby Safety Awareness Month." Since then, every September has been designated as JPMA Baby Safety Month. About JPMA The Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) is the voice of the industry on quality and safety for baby and children's products in North America . We work to advance the interests of manufacturers, parents, children, and the industry at large by advocating for safety through product certification programs and legislative and regulatory involvement. Our members uphold The JPMA Promise, which includes our industry's Core Values. We support our broad and diverse membership through member-only programming and industry promotion. Additionally, we act as a comprehensive source for baby product information, education, and philanthropy through our charitable organization, JPMA Cares . Established in 1962, JPMA has spent more than 60 years helping protect future generations by advancing the availability and safety of products used to care for babies and young children. Learn more at jpma.org .
17 May, 2024
MOUNT LAUREL, N.J., MAY 17, 2024 – JPMA Cares, a charitable organization founded by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) and supported by the broader baby and children’s products industry, is pleased to announce its newly elected Board of Directors. The JPMA Cares Board of Directors provides strategic guidance to the foundation, which aims to create better outcomes for infants and toddlers by reducing preventable injuries and deaths and providing families in need with donations of time, talent, and product. The newly elected directors are as follows: Emily Alexander, Safety Advocate William MacMillan, Retired Judy Meehan, The Giorgio Foundation Sarah Shell, Geddy's Mom Bardia Sergent, Greenberg Traurig, LLP Robert Waller, Association Headquarters Chuck Wilke, Meridian Capital Continuing officers and directors are as follows: Rick Schaub, Chair, Dorel Juvenile USA Joe Shamie, Vice Chair, Delta Children Jason Somerville, Treasurer, GW Partners Torine Creppy, Safe Kids Worldwide Chloe Kontos, Amazon Luanne Whiting-Lager, Regal+Lager Kelly Voelker, Kelly Voelker & Associates “This is an exciting time for JPMA Cares,” said Lisa Trofe, executive director of JPMA and JPMA Cares. “I’m thrilled to have this talented group of individuals serving on our board. Together with key partners, JPMA Cares is launching a Safe Sleep Campaign aimed at educating parents and caregivers on the safest sleep products and practices for babies and young children. This board is leading the charge to combat sleep-related deaths, which impact about 3,400 babies each year in the U.S. It’s a large and tragic challenge, but I’m confident we have the right people in place to make a real difference for babies nationwide.” To learn more about JPMA Cares, visit jpmacares.org . About JPMA Cares JPMA Cares is the philanthropic arm of the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) and the broader baby and children’s products industry. As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, JPMA Cares aims to create better outcomes for infants and toddlers by reducing preventable injuries and deaths and providing families in need with donations of time, talent, and product. Media Contact: Kali Peterson JPMA Cares kpeterson@jpma.org
01 May, 2024
MOUNT LAUREL, N.J., May 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today marks National Heatstroke Prevention Day, and in recognition, JPMA Cares and Safe Kids Worldwide (SKW) are reminding parents, caregivers, and neighbors about the dangers of heatstroke and sharing strategies to prevent child injuries and deaths in hot vehicles. Since 1998, an alarming 969 children have been killed in hot car tragedies—an average of 37 children each year. Thousands more have survived with varying types and severities of injury. These tragedies have occurred regardless of parent or caregiver education, profession, income, and other demographics, and all could have been prevented. Heatstroke occurs when the body is unable to cool itself quickly enough. Young children are particularly at risk, since a child's body heats up three to five times faster than an adult's. When a child's internal temperature reaches 104 degrees Fahrenheit, major organs begin to shut down, and when their temperature reaches 107 degrees, the child can die. Hot car deaths have occurred when the outside temperature was below 60 degrees, because vehicle interiors become much hotter than outside temperatures. Research shows the temperature inside a car can heat up 19 degrees in just 10 minutes. Cracking the windows does not slow the heating process or significantly decrease the maximum temperature of a vehicle. "Half of hot car deaths occur when children are inadvertently left in vehicles by caregivers, and these cases typically follow a change in routine," said JPMA Director of Child Passenger Safety Joe Colella. "With easy behavioral changes, parents, caregivers, and neighbors can prevent these horrible tragedies." A common scenario is that a parent may intend to drop a child off at daycare. Once on their way, the parent begins thinking about driving or the many things on their to-do list. If routines have changed, the parent is tired or stressed, or there are other distractions, the parent may head directly to work or home. Without a visual cue, they unknowingly leave the child in the vehicle. "Safe Kids Worldwide, JPMA Cares, and other injury prevention groups are committed to ending these preventable tragedies to babies and young children," said SKW President Torine Creppy. "Whether you are a parent, a caregiver, or a concerned bystander, we're calling on everyone to be part of the solution and help save lives." Beyond the children inadvertently left in vehicles, a quarter of hot car deaths occur when a small child enters a vehicle on their own, the door closes, and the child becomes trapped in the vehicle. Parents, caregivers, neighbors, and bystanders can prevent hot car deaths with the following steps: Never leave a young child alone in a car, not even for a minute. Look before you lock—develop a habit to check the rear seat each time you park the car. Lock your vehicle's doors, and keep your keys and key fobs out of children's reach. Ask your neighbors to do the same. Create reminders. Put something in the back of your car that you'll need at your final destination such as a phone, briefcase, or purse. Arrange for your childcare provider to contact you right away if your child hasn't arrived as scheduled. If you see a child alone in a car, call 911. Emergency personnel wants you to call. They are trained to respond to these situations, and one call could save a life. For more heatstroke prevention information and useful tips, visit safekids.org/heatstroke or jpmacares.org/car-seat-safety-tips . About JPMA Cares JPMA Cares is the philanthropic arm of the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) and the broader baby and children's products industry. As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, JPMA Cares aims to create better outcomes for infants and toddlers by reducing preventable injuries and deaths and providing families in need with donations of time, talent, and product. Learn more and get involved at jpmacares.org . About Safe Kids Worldwide Safe Kids Worldwide is a nonprofit organization working to reduce unintentional injuries to children ages 0-14 and build equitable and sustained systems that support injury prevention. For more information, visit safekids.org .
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