JPMA Cares creates better outcomes by:
As the charitable arm of JPMA since 2021, JPMA Cares combines the collective strength of the baby and children’s products industry with credible, established safety organizations to make the greatest impact. We also seek to collaborate with organizations to ensure parents and caregivers have consistent, easy to understand information about product safety and practices that will help keep their children safe from preventable injuries and deaths.
JPMA Cares is closing the gap by amplifying critically important safety messages to reach the parents and caregivers who most need this education, while aspiring to be the central repository for industry data to further reduce preventable injuries and deaths.
JPMA Cares works across the industry to deliver a unified message for parents on the most important safety topics. Every day, more than nine babies in the United States tragically die from sleep-related deaths and underserved communities are disproportionally impacted.
JPMA Cares is committed to the long-term success of babies and young children. Your gift will ensure that parents, caregivers, and their children, receive the essential resources and support they need to have a lasting impact on their futures. Learn more about the impact you can make today.
Your time, donations and talents will make a big difference in reducing preventable injuries and deaths in babies across the U.S.
Why shouldn't I just give directly to those organizations?
What makes JPMA Cares the authority?
What is the education focus this year?
JPMA Cares is a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization that supports the broader baby and children’s products industry. JPMA Cares is the philanthropic arm of the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) and aims to create better outcomes for infants and toddlers by reducing preventable injuries and deaths and providing families in need with donations of time, talent, and product.
JPMA Cares is a 501 (C)(3) | EIN: 87-0858073
JPMA is professionally managed by Association Headquarters Inc., a charter accredited association management company.
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