A huge thank you to everyone who helped to make the 4th annual Benefit for Babies a success, while contributing to supporting infants & toddlers in need, and learning more about upcoming initiatives, including the foundation's partnership with industry leaders on the Safe Sleep Campaign.
If you have any questions, need more information, or would like to learn more about JPMA Cares & the Benefit for Babies,
contact Reta Adler at
The 4th Annual JPMA Cares Benefit for Babies was also featured in the Day 1 Recap Video from the ABC Kids Expo! Check out the video:
JPMA Cares is a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization that supports the broader baby and children’s products industry. JPMA Cares is the philanthropic arm of the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) and aims to create better outcomes for infants and toddlers by reducing preventable injuries and deaths and providing families in need with donations of time, talent, and product.
JPMA Cares is a 501 (C)(3) | EIN: 87-0858073
JPMA is professionally managed by Association Headquarters Inc., a charter accredited association management company.
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